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KOSTA GAS - Company Introduce
KOSTA GAS: the work should be based on certain principles
Working with automobiles and, in particular, re-equipping them with
LPG systems requires a serious and proficient approach. Only a
solidary team acting all together as a well coordinated group is
able to perform perfectly and to reach the maximum result when
fulfilling the assigned tasks. We are a team of this very kind. In
our company, each employee is a responsible person strictly
following the Company's ideology, which is an honest and creative
approach to performing one's work, as well as an open and heartfelt
attitude to every single customer.

Today when the prices for gasoline are constantly growing, the
decision to equip your automobile with an LPG system becomes even
sounder and timelier. Conversion to an alternative type of fuel is
economically advantageous and plays an important ecological and
social role at the same time, for air pollution in some countries
has already exceeded all the admissible norms. Thus, we c... [Details]
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